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modify和revise的区别是什么呢? “modify”和“revise”虽然都涉及到“修改”的意思,但它…




英语语法纠错大师(AI Grammer)是一个帮助大家更好的进行英语学习的软件,你们在这款软件上可以看到许多的有关于英语语法的各种学习资料,在这里你可以不断的巩固自己的英语语法知识,还可以记录下你的每一次学习的成绩,让你更好的进行自我的分析,


  • I was the only person to write back to Ms. Meynell and expressed my thanks to her.批改网这个句子错了,我找不到原因,求助
  • to write ,to empress ,去掉ed


  • 这是不可靠的。


  • 不可能。还是认认真真准备考试吧。


  • 修改职称英语考试成绩分数?安全可靠的唯一秋秋:649.575.408
  • 不可能的。也不要相信能修改成绩的。


  • 听说有一种通过修改注册表、破解软件的方式。如果哪位大神知道的话,能告诉我吗。在此先谢谢了~
  • 同求,哪位大神知道可否传授一下


  • Logistics riskThis is also cannot be ignored. Some seller thinksthat I sell the goods out, the guest received the goods, and the business canbe completed. But we need to thought of the guest is received within a few daysafter to buy it. Is there any damaged or lost, the consumer is satisfied withthe goods or not? Because of the heavyrain in Beijing, the companies which corporation with the online store can’tarrange to receive the products by bus, only ask some courier to pick-up, butthey are not familiar with the road and the business is very large, causing alot of delay, the owner of the shop troublesome troubles! It’s very frustrating!Transport riskSome fragile, valuables, packaging and deliveryoptions need to be careful. Fragile things if damage in the transit, theExpress Company isn’t responsible. Express risk is a common risk, because inthe process of goods delivery, express company may make some bad guides led togoods damaged or lost. This situation requires the owner communicate with thebuyers patiently. To avoid the delivery delay or damage of goods caused byonline reputation gets down 运输风险 有些易碎、贵重物品,在包装和快递选择方面都需要慎重。易碎品如果运送途中被损坏,快递是不赔的啊。快递风险也是常见的风险,由于在商品邮递过程中,快递公司可能会失误导致商品损坏或者丢失。这就需要店主与买家耐心交流,避免因快递延误或造成商品破损而导致网店信誉受影响。 评价风险 也许你自信满满,待人真诚,商品质量可信,稳扎稳打的苦心经营着网店。但林子大了什么鸟都有,周到的服务也许还是被中差评了。怎么办?或者郁闷的碰到差评师。当100%好评被打破时,是否可以弱化影响,继续热血奋斗于网店卖家中而做到对这种另类真正漠视或无视,依旧做最好的自己?这绝对是种心理素质的挑战。
  • 运输风险 有些易碎、贵重物品,在包装和快递选择方面都需要慎重。易碎品如果运送途中被损坏,快递是不赔的啊。快递风险也是常见的风险,由于在商品邮递过程中,快递公司可能会失误导致商品损坏或者丢失。这就需要店主与买家耐心交流,避免因快递延误或造成商品破损而导致网店信誉受影响。 评价风险 也许你自信满满,待人真诚,商品质量可信,稳扎稳打的苦心经营着网店。但林子大了什么鸟都有,周到的服务也许还是被中差评了。怎么办?或者郁闷的碰到差评师。当100%好评被打破时,是否可以弱化影响,继续热血奋斗于网店卖家中而做到对这种另类真正漠视或无视,依旧做最好的自己?这绝对是种心理素质的挑战。我也是用有道词典


  • 最重要的是第一段和最后一段,希望可以修改的好一点。还有就是最后的结尾有点潦草了,希望可以再加一些内容,可以加分!Superstitions are old-fashioned. Discuss. In this age of technology thereare still superstitions. People believe superstitions because they want toavoid bad luck, or bring their own good luck. Nowadays, people have been very littletalk about superstitions. And superstitions have gradually been replaced byscience. But, has superstition really obsoleted?I take the view that superstitionsaren’t old-fashioned, because many young people know and believe somesuperstitions. And I think not all superstitions are wrong. For example, eat anapple a day or eating fish are good for health, as well don’t walking under aladder, because it could be dangerous.On the other hand, people nolonger believe superstitions, because there isn’t scientific basis forsuperstitions. There also data show that superstitions usually develop inchildhood and children are generally affected by their parents. With thedevelopment of science, parents already have the right idea, so the number ofthe children who believe in superstitions will be less and less.To sum up, I’m sure that peoplewill always believe in superstitions.
  • In spite of the developement and prevalance of technology, there are still people who believe in superstitions to avoid bad luck and bring good luck. Although nowadays people talk about superstitions much less than before, we still have this question: Are superstitions completely obsolete?In my opinion, the answer is negative since there is still a great amout of young generation believe in some certain types of superstitions. Moreover, some of them 说实话,改到这里,我发现你后面的观点非常乱,给你改语法和用词可以,但作文本身还是一团乱麻就没有意义了,你的结论和举的两个例子不搭,同时一天一个苹果是谣言,不是迷信,和你开头说好运和厄运也相联系,也是跑题的。同时我也建议你拓宽视野,多看一些真正对玄学、运势、科学与巫术关系解读的文章,了解到科学只是人类认识世界的一个很小的分支,很多我们肉眼看不到的、没有用科学证明的东西是存在的,只是科学还不够发达,根本解释不了他们。真正的科学家不会去动辄排斥什么,而是想办法互相印证,比如中医,比如阴阳,比如针灸,比如气场等等。相信这个观点会使文章上一个层次。


  • 如果成绩是一个网站保存的话是可以改的,怕的就是分点保存还有离线保存就是说他有几套保存方案你改了他会有一个检测环节如果被查出来………..你懂得 求采纳!


  • 选了个超级不会写的毕业论文,是关于跨文化交际的,指导教师提出了好多问题,焦头烂额无处下手,求帮忙,有经验的亲可否联系我啊,很急!
  • 发我,跨文化交际的,英语的,老师提出的是什么问题,与我来探讨


  • Most of the students like to read these kind of detective stories。。。上面句子有错么?如果错了的话,那么these kind of detective stories要改成下面的哪个比较好??A)these kind of detective storiesB)these kind of detective storyC)this kind of detective storyD)this kinds of detective storyE) those kind of detective story
  • 最好肯定是用:this kind of detective story或these kinds of detective stories但是在一些文学作品中确实有出现these kind of … (比如《理智与情感》里有这样一句:I know so little of these kind of forms …)我个人意见是,严格来说,这个句子有错,要修改的话,选C